Grape Compass expands with new free service for all grape growers in the Western Cape

We are excited to announce that Grape Compass has entered a new phase, thanks to fresh funding that allows us to extend our services to all grape growers – completely free of charge!

Grape Compass provides reliable forecasts of fungal disease pressure risks for the coming five days. This allows farmers to only spray for Powdery mildew, Downy mildew and Botrytis bunch rot when needed and reduce unnecessary expenses. Having been developed and validated with top wineries, we are excited to share that, thanks to new funding, Grape Compass is now free to all winemakers in the Western Cape.

The new Protea Grape Compass service will be available after the official launch on the 11th of November at De Morgenzon Winery.

Join the grape growers who have already experienced the benefits of Grape Compass, and sign up below today to leverage this free service!

For more information, contact us or explore the new Protea Grape Compass after the 11th of November.